And Six Sigma played a large part in his strategy, including offering training to management and helping key employees reach the Black Belt level in Six Sigma.
Welch reigned as a successful CEO during an era of many successful CEOs. His biography – “ Jack: Straight From The Gut” – sold 10 million copies worldwide. Welch became one of the most famous CEOs in the world. During that time, the company’s revenue increased fivefold to reach $130 billion. He ran General Electric from 1981 until 2000. Welch died March 1, 2020, at the age of 84. His dedication to the methodology is legendary, as is how Six Sigma drove improvements at the company in the 1990s. Jack Welch, the former chief executive officer of General Electric, championed the use of Six Sigma during his time at the helm of the multinational corporation.